Thursday, July 16, 2009

Finca.. Gracias, Pablo! Was great..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Usaquen.. it used to be a small village with a square, church etc. till it got absorbed by growing Bogota. This is just the cementery.. even though the overall feel of Usaquen is good when you go there, somehow on the pictures I was unable to catch the 'right atmosphere' so I skipped those.. another time : /

oh yea.. Henry Miller

*Fernando Boteros'..

A one day visit to the Museo de Banco de La Republica.. long visit :) but worth it. Andy Warhol temporary exhibition, colombian painting exhibition, colombian contemporary art exhibition, Fernando Botero exhibition.. all in one (and also the museum of Banco de La Republica - but I skipped this one :P). Fernando Botero - you have to get to know his art if you are in Colombia, it's a compulsory point for all tourists.. seems it's the most well know artist of Colombia, but they have a lot, a lot more..

Yep, so this is what I do here :D

Well not exactly, actually, it was just one day. One day in the Teatro Colon, an old theatre here in Bogota - in renovation. I had the unique chance to see it from the inside, and have some fun segregating old theatre plays wardrobe. A lot of dirty, dirty work, believe me, but fun as well..

[click for more]

Los Pozos Azules, heh, to nie to co w Tomaszowie :P

Was great, went there on horses, but since i was holding on tight not to fall I did not take any photos of this memorable moment myself.. but I'll get some supply of those soon :)

[click for more]


Very close to Villa de Leyva.. well close means 45 min in a car here :) Sun, beatufull views, a bit of climbing, a bit of adventure :D

Sunday, July 5, 2009

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Mountains surrounding Villa de Leyva.
Iguaque National Park, too bad I didn't feel too well that day. But still was worth it.
Very western-like visitors centre..

..and I do mean the 'westerns' :)

[click for more]

The colonial town of Villa deLeyva.

Yep, was nice, actually great, the whole town still looking like ages ago, so rare in here.. so little places like this left, I guess, well at least in the big cities..

It is a small town, 1 day is enough to get to know it, but it's got a lot of great nature spots around it as well. It has a positive atmosphere, many people came here and never left .. :P at least that's what they told me. However those stones in all streets.. very annoying, if you decide to stay there you definitely have to resign from wearing high-heeled shoes forever :P

[click for more]

Tunja - on the way to Villa de Leyva.

Tunja is said to be the ugliest city in Colombia.. I haven't seen a lot, but I guess I've already seen some much more ugly places :)